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Configuring NFS-Ganesha over GlusterFS

NFS-Ganesha is a user-space file server for the NFS protocol with support for NFSv3, v4, v4.1, pNFS. It provides a FUSE-compatible File System Abstraction Layer(FSAL) to allow the file-system developers to plug in their storage mechanism and access it from any NFS client. NFS-Ganesha can access the FUSE filesystems directly through its FSAL without copying any data to or from the kernel, thus potentially improving response times.

Installing nfs-ganesha

Gluster RPMs (>= 3.10)




Ganesha RPMs (>= 2.5)



Start NFS-Ganesha manually

  • To start NFS-Ganesha manually, use the command:
    • service nfs-ganesha start
/var/log/ganesha.log is the default log file for the ganesha process.
/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf is the default configuration file
NIV_EVENT is the default log level.
  • If the user wants to run ganesha in a preferred mode, execute the following command :
    • #ganesha.nfsd -f \<location_of_nfs-ganesha.conf_file> -L \<location_of_log_file> -N \<log_level>
For example:
#ganesha.nfsd -f nfs-ganesha.conf -L nfs-ganesha.log -N NIV_DEBUG
nfs-ganesha.log is the log file for the ganesha.nfsd process.
nfs-ganesha.conf is the configuration file
NIV_DEBUG is the log level.
  • By default, the export list for the server will be Null
Note : include following parameters in ganesha configuration file for exporting gluster volumes
NFS_Core_Param {
        #Use supplied name other tha IP In NSM operations
        NSM_Use_Caller_Name = true;
        #Copy lock states into "/var/lib/nfs/ganesha" dir
        Clustered = false;
        #Use a non-privileged port for RQuota
        Rquota_Port = 875;
    #please note add below option for Mac clients
    #Enable_RQUOTA = false;

Step by step procedures to exporting GlusterFS volume via NFS-Ganesha

step 1 :

To export any GlusterFS volume or directory inside a volume, create the EXPORT block for each of those entries in an export configuration file. The following parameters are required to export any entry. - #cat export.conf

    Export_Id = 1 ;   # Export ID unique to each export
    Path = "volume_path";  # Path of the volume to be exported. Eg: "/test_volume"

    FSAL {
        name = GLUSTER;
        hostname = "10.xx.xx.xx";  # IP of one of the nodes in the trusted pool
        volume = "volume_name";  # Volume name. Eg: "test_volume"

    Access_type = RW;    # Access permissions
    Squash = No_root_squash; # To enable/disable root squashing
    Disable_ACL = TRUE;  # To enable/disable ACL
    Pseudo = "pseudo_path";  # NFSv4 pseudo path for this export. Eg: "/test_volume_pseudo"
    Protocols = "3","4" ;    # NFS protocols supported
    Transports = "UDP","TCP" ; # Transport protocols supported
    SecType = "sys";     # Security flavors supported

step 2 :

Now include the export configuration file in the ganesha configuration file(by default ). This can be done by adding the line below at the end of file - %include “\<path of export configuration>”

Note :
The above two steps can be done with following script
#/usr/libexec/ganesha/ <ganesha directory> on <volume name>
By default ganesha directory is "/etc/ganesha"
This will create export configuration file in <ganesha directory>/exports/export.<volume name>.conf
Also, it will add the above entry to ganesha.conf

step 3 :

Turn on features.cache-invalidation for that volume - gluster volume set \<volume name> features.cache-invalidation on

step 4 :

dbus commands are used to export/unexport volume
- export - #dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ganesha.nfsd /org/ganesha/nfsd/ExportMgr org.ganesha.nfsd.exportmgr.AddExport string:/exports/export..conf string:"EXPORT(Path=/\<volume name>)"

  • unexport
    • #dbus-send --system --dest=org.ganesha.nfsd /org/ganesha/nfsd/ExportMgr org.ganesha.nfsd.exportmgr.RemoveExport uint16:\<export id>
Note :
Step 4 can be performed via following script
#/usr/libexec/ganesha/ <ganesha directory> [on|off] <volume name>

Above scripts(mentioned in step 3 and step 4) are available in glusterfs 3.10 rpms. You can download it from here

step 5 :

  • To check if the volume is exported, run
    • #showmount -e localhost
  • Or else use the following dbus command
    • #dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --system --dest=org.ganesha.nfsd /org/ganesha/nfsd/ExportMgr org.ganesha.nfsd.exportmgr.ShowExports
  • To see clients
    • #dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --system --dest=org.ganesha.nfsd /org/ganesha/nfsd/ClientMgr org.ganesha.nfsd.clientmgr.ShowClients

Using Highly Available Active-Active NFS-Ganesha And GlusterFS cli

Please Note currently HA solution for nfs-ganesha is available in 3.10. From 3.12 onwards HA will be handled by a different project known as storhaug which is under development.

In a highly available active-active environment, if an NFS-Ganesha server that is connected to an NFS client running a particular application crashes, the application/NFS client is seamlessly connected to another NFS-Ganesha server without any administrative intervention. The cluster is maintained using Pacemaker and Corosync. Pacemaker acts as a resource manager and Corosync provides the communication layer of the cluster. Data coherency across the multi-head NFS-Ganesha servers in the cluster is achieved using the UPCALL infrastructure. UPCALL infrastructure is a generic and extensible framework that sends notifications to the respective glusterfs clients (in this case NFS-Ganesha server) in case of any changes detected in the backend filesystem.

The Highly Available cluster is configured in the following three stages:

Creating the ganesha-ha.conf file

The ganesha-ha.conf.example is created in the following location /etc/ganesha when Gluster Storage is installed. Rename the file to ganesha-ha.conf and make the changes as suggested in the following example: sample ganesha-ha.conf file:

# Name of the HA cluster created. must be unique within the subnet


# The subset of nodes of the Gluster Trusted Pool that form the ganesha HA cluster.

# Hostname is specified.



# Virtual IPs for each of the nodes specified above.



Configuring NFS-Ganesha using gluster CLI

The HA cluster can be set up or torn down using gluster CLI. Also, it can export and unexport specific volumes. For more information, see section Configuring NFS-Ganesha using gluster CLI.

Modifying the HA cluster using the script

Post the cluster creation any further modification can be done using the script. For more information, see the section Modifying the HA cluster using the script.

Step-by-step guide

Configuring NFS-Ganesha using Gluster CLI⁠

Pre-requisites to run NFS-Ganesha

Ensure that the following pre-requisites are taken into consideration before you run NFS-Ganesha in your environment:

  • A Gluster Storage volume must be available for export and NFS-Ganesha rpms are installed on all the nodes.
  • IPv6 must be enabled on the host interface which is used by the NFS-Ganesha daemon. To enable IPv6 support, perform the following steps:

    • Comment or remove the line options ipv6 disable=1 in the /etc/modprobe.d/ipv6.conf file.
    • Reboot the system.
  • Ensure that all the nodes in the cluster are DNS resolvable. For example, you can populate the /etc/hosts with the details of all the nodes in the cluster.

  • Disable and stop NetworkManager service.
  • Enable and start network service on all machines.
  • Create and mount a gluster shared volume.
    • gluster volume set all cluster.enable-shared-storage enable
  • Install Pacemaker and Corosync on all machines.
  • Set the cluster auth password on all the machines.
  • Passwordless ssh needs to be enabled on all the HA nodes. Follow these steps,

    • On one (primary) node in the cluster, run:
      • ssh-keygen -f /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem
    • Deploy the pubkey ~root/.ssh/authorized keys on all nodes, run:
      • ssh-copy-id -i /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/ root@$node
    • Copy the keys to all nodes in the cluster, run:
      • scp /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.* $node:/var/lib/glusterd/nfs/
    • Create a directory named "nfs-ganesha" in shared storage path and create ganesha.conf & ganesha-ha.conf in it(from glusterfs 3.9 onwards)

Configuring the HA Cluster

To set up the HA cluster, enable NFS-Ganesha by executing the following command:

#gluster nfs-ganesha enable

To tear down the HA cluster, execute the following command:

#gluster nfs-ganesha disable
Note :
Enable command performs the following
* create a symlink ganesha.conf in /etc/ganesha using ganesha.conf in shared storage
* start nfs-ganesha process on nodes part of ganesha cluster
* set up ha cluster
and disable does the reversal of enable
Also if gluster nfs-ganesha [enable/disable] fails of please check following logs
* /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log
* /var/log/messages (and grep for pcs commands)
* /var/log/pcsd/pcsd.log

Exporting Volumes through NFS-Ganesha using cli

To export a Red Hat Gluster Storage volume, execute the following command:

#gluster volume set <volname> ganesha.enable on

To unexport a Red Hat Gluster Storage volume, execute the following command:

#gluster volume set <volname> ganesha.enable off

This command unexports the Red Hat Gluster Storage volume without affecting other exports.

To verify the status of the volume set options, follow the guidelines mentioned below:

  • Check if NFS-Ganesha is started by executing the following command:
    • ps aux | grep ganesha.nfsd
  • Check if the volume is exported.
    • showmount -e localhost

The logs of ganesha.nfsd daemon is written to /var/log/ganesha.log. Check the log file on noticing any unexpected behavior.

Modifying the HA cluster using the script

To modify the existing HA cluster and to change the default values of the exports use the script located at /usr/libexec/ganesha/.

Adding a node to the cluster

Before adding a node to the cluster, ensure all the prerequisites mentioned in section Pre-requisites to run NFS-Ganesha are met. To add a node to the cluster. execute the following command on any of the nodes in the existing NFS-Ganesha cluster:

HA_CONF_DIR: The directory path containing the ganesha-ha.conf file.
HOSTNAME: Hostname of the new node to be added
NODE-VIP: Virtual IP of the new node to be added.

Deleting a node in the cluster

To delete a node from the cluster, execute the following command on any of the nodes in the existing NFS-Ganesha cluster:

#./ --delete <HA_CONF_DIR> <HOSTNAME>

HA_CONF_DIR: The directory path containing the ganesha-ha.conf file.
HOSTNAME: Hostname of the new node to be added

Modifying the default export configuration

To modify the default export configurations perform the following steps on any of the nodes in the existing ganesha cluster:

  • Edit/add the required fields in the corresponding export file located at /etc/ganesha/exports.

  • Execute the following command:

    #./ --refresh-config <HA_CONFDIR> <volname>
    HA_CONF_DIR: The directory path containing the ganesha-ha.conf file.
    volname: The name of the volume whose export configuration has to be changed.

    Note The export ID must not be changed. ⁠

    Configure ganesha ha cluster outside of gluster nodes

Currently, ganesha HA cluster creating tightly integrated with glusterd. So here user needs to create another TSP using ganesha nodes. Then create ganesha HA cluster using above mentioned steps till executing "gluster nfs-ganesha enable" Exporting/Unexporting should be performed without using glusterd cli (follow the manual steps, before performing step 4 replace localhost with required hostname/ip "hostname=localhost;" in the export configuration file)

Configuring Gluster volume for pNFS

The Parallel Network File System (pNFS) is part of the NFS v4.1 protocol that allows computing clients to access storage devices directly and in parallel. The pNFS cluster consists of MDS(Meta-Data-Server) and DS (Data-Server). The client sends all the read/write requests directly to DS and all other operations are handle by the MDS.

Step by step guide

  • Turn on feature.cache-invalidation for the volume.

    • gluster v set \<volname> features.cache-invalidation on
  • Select one of the nodes in the cluster as MDS and configure it adding the following block to ganesha configuration file

 PNFS_MDS = true;
  • Manually start NFS-Ganesha in every node in the cluster.

  • Check whether the volume is exported via nfs-ganesha in all the nodes.

    • #showmount -e localhost
  • Mount the volume using NFS version 4.1 protocol with the ip of MDS

    • #mount -t nfs4 -o minorversion=1 \<ip of MDS>:/\<volume name> \<mount path>

Points to be Noted

  • The current architecture supports only a single MDS and multiple DS. The server with which client mounts will act as MDS and all servers including MDS can act as DS.

  • Currently, HA is not supported for pNFS(more specifically MDS). Although it is configurable, consistency is guaranteed across the cluster.

  • If any of the DS goes down, then MDS will handle those I/O's.

  • Hereafter, all the subsequent NFS clients need to use the same server for mounting that volume via pNFS. i.e more than one MDS for a volume is not preferred

  • pNFS support is only tested with distributed, replicated ,or distribute-replicate volumes

  • It is tested and verified with RHEL 6.5 , fedora 20, fedora 21 nfs clients. It is always better to use latest nfs-clients