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Development workflow of Gluster

This document provides a detailed overview of the development model followed by the GlusterFS project. For a simpler overview visit Simplified development workflow.


The GlusterFS development model largely revolves around the features and functionality provided by Git version control system, Github and Jenkins continuous integration system. It is a primer for a contributor to the project.

Git and Github

Git is an extremely flexible, distributed version control system. GlusterFS's main repository is at Git and at GitHub. A good introduction to Git can be found at


Jenkins is a Continuous Integration build system. Jenkins is hosted at Jenkins is configured to work with Github by setting up hooks. Every "Change" which is pushed to Github is automatically picked up by Jenkins, built and smoke tested. The output of all builds and tests can be viewed at Jenkins is also set up with a 'regression' job which is designed to execute test scripts provided as part of the code change.

Preparatory Setup

Here is a list of initial one-time steps before you can start hacking on code.

Fork Repository

Fork GlusterFS repository

Clone a working tree

Get yourself a working tree by cloning the development repository from

# git clone${username}/glusterfs.git
# cd glusterfs/
# git remote add upstream

Preferred email and set username

On the first login, add your git/work email to your identity. You will have to click on the URL which is sent to your email and set up a proper Full Name. Select yourself a username. Make sure you set your git/work email as your preferred email. This should be the email address from which all your code commits are associated.

Watch glusterfs

In Github, watch the 'glusterfs' repository. Tick on suitable (All activity, Ignore, participating, or custom) type of notifications to get alerts.

Email filters

Set up a filter rule in your mail client to tag or classify emails with the header

list: <>

as mails originating from the github system.

Development & Other flows


  • Make sure there is an issue filed for the task you are working on.
  • If it is not filed, open the issue with all the description.
  • If it is a bug fix, add label "Type:Bug".
  • If it is an RFC, provide all the documentation, and request for "DocApproved", and "SpecApproved" label.


  • Start coding
  • Make sure clang-format is installed and is run on the patch.

Keep up-to-date

  • GlusterFS is a large project with many developers, so there would be one or the other patch everyday.
  • It is critical for developer to be up-to-date with devel repo to be Conflict-Free when PR is opened.
  • Git provides many options to keep up-to-date, below is one of them
# git fetch upstream
# git rebase upstream/devel

Branching policy

This section describes both, the branching policies on the public repo as well as the suggested best-practice for local branching

Devel/release branches

In glusterfs, the 'devel' branch is the forward development branch. This is where new features come in first. In fact this is where almost every change (commit) comes in first. The devel branch is always kept in a buildable state and smoke tests pass.

Release trains (3.1.z, 3.2.z,..., 8.y, 9.y) each have a branch originating from devel. Code freeze of each new release train is marked by the creation of the release-x.y branch. At this point, no new features are added to the release-x.y branch. All fixes and commits first get into devel. From there, only bug fixes get backported to the relevant release branches. From the release-x.y branch, actual release code snapshots (e.g. glusterfs-3.2.2 etc.) are tagged (git annotated tag with 'git tag -a') shipped as a tarball.

Personal per-task branches

As a best practice, it is recommended you perform all code changes for a task in a local branch in your working tree. The local branch should be created from the upstream branch to which you intend to submit the change. The name of the branch on your personal fork can start with issueNNNN, followed by anything of your choice. If you are submitting changes to the devel branch, first create a local task branch like this -

# git checkout -b issueNNNN upstream/main
... <hack, commit>


Environment Setup

For details about the required packages for the build environment refer : Building GlusterFS

Creating build environment

Once the required packages are installed for your appropiate system, generate the build configuration:

# ./
# ./configure --enable-fusermount

Build and install

# make && make install

Commit policy / PR description

Typically you would have a local branch per task. You will need to sign-off your commit (git commit -s) before sending the patch for review. By signing off your patch, you agree to the terms listed under the "Developer's Certificate of Origin" section in the CONTRIBUTING file available in the repository root.

Provide a meaningful commit message. Your commit message should be in the following format

  • A short one-line title of format 'component: title', describing what the patch accomplishes
  • An empty line following the subject
  • Situation necessitating the patch
  • Description of the code changes
  • Reason for doing it this way (compared to others)
  • Description of test cases
  • When you open a PR, having a reference Issue for the commit is mandatory in GlusterFS.
  • Commit message can have, either Fixes: #NNNN or Updates: #NNNN in a separate line in the commit message. Here, NNNN is the Issue ID in glusterfs repository.
  • Each commit needs the author to have the 'Signed-off-by: Name ' line. Can do this by -s option for git commit.
  • If the PR is not ready for review, apply the label work-in-progress. Check the availability of "Draft PR" is present for you, if yes, use that instead.

Push the change

After doing the local commit, it is time to submit the code for review. There is a script available inside glusterfs.git called It is recommended you keep pushing to your repo every day, so you don't loose any work. You can submit your changes for review by simply executing

# ./


# git push origin HEAD:issueNNN

This script does the following:

  • The first time it is executed, it downloads a git hook from and sets it up locally to generate a Change-Id: tag in your commit message (if it was not already generated.)
  • Rebase your commit against the latest upstream HEAD. This rebase also causes your commits to undergo massaging from the just downloaded commit-msg hook.
  • Prompt for a Reference Id for each commit (if it was not already provided) and include it as a "fixes: #n" tag in the commit log. You can just hit at this prompt if your submission is purely for review purposes.
  • Push the changes for review. On a successful push, you will see a URL pointing to the change in Pull requests section.

Test cases and Verification

Auto-triggered tests

The integration between Jenkins and Github triggers an event in Jenkins on every push of changes, to pick up the change and run build and smoke test on it. Part of the workflow is to aggregate and execute pre-commit test cases that accompany patches, cumulatively for every new patch. This guarantees that tests that are working till the present are not broken with the new patch. This is so that code changes and accompanying test cases are reviewed together. Once you upload the patch -

  1. All the required smoke tests would be auto-triggered. You can retrigger the smoke tests using "/recheck smoke" as comment. Passing the automated smoke test is a necessary condition but not sufficient.

  2. The regression tests would be triggered by a comment "/run regression" from developers in the @gluster organization once smoke test is passed.

If smoke/regression fails, it is a good reason to skip code review till a fixed change is pushed later. You can click on the build URL automatically to inspect the reason for auto verification failure. In the Jenkins job page, you can click on the 'Console Output' link to see the exact point of failure.

All code changes which are not trivial (typo fixes, code comment changes) must be accompanied with either a new test case script or extend/modify an existing test case script. It is important to review the test case in conjunction with the code change to analyze whether the code change is actually verified by the test case.

Regression tests (i.e, execution of all test cases accumulated with every commit) is not automatically triggered as the test cases can be extensive and is quite expensive to execute for every change submission in the review/resubmit cycle. Passing the regression test is a necessary condition for merge along with code review points.

To check and run all regression tests locally, run the below script from glusterfs root directory.

# ./

To run a single regression test locally, run the below command.

# prove -vf <path_to_the_file>

NOTE: The testing framework needs perl-Test-Harness package to be installed. Ask for help as comment in PR if you have any questions about the process!

It is important to note that Jenkins verification is only a generic verification of high-level tests. More concentrated testing effort for the patch is necessary with manual verification.

Glusto test framework

For any new feature that is posted for review, there should be accompanying set of tests in glusto-tests. These tests will be run nightly and/or before release to determine the health of the feature. Please go through glusto-tests project to understand more information on how to write and execute the tests in glusto.

  1. Extend/Modify old test cases in existing scripts - This is typically when present behavior (default values etc.) of code is changed.

  2. No test cases - This is typically when a code change is trivial (e.g. fixing typos in output strings, code comments).

  3. Only test case and no code change - This is typically when we are adding test cases to old code (already existing before this regression test policy was enforced). More details on how to work with test case scripts can be found in tests/README.

Reviewing / Commenting

Code review with Github is relatively easy compared to other available tools. Each change is presented as multiple files and each file can be reviewed in Side-by-Side mode. While reviewing it is possible to comment on each line by clicking on '+' icon and writing in your comments in the text box. Such in-line comments are saved as drafts, till you finally publish them by Starting a Review.

Incorporate,, Reverify

Code review comments are notified via email. After incorporating the changes in code, you can mark each of the inline comments as 'done' (optional). After all the changes to your local files, create new commits in the same branch with -

# git commit -a -s

Push the commit by executing If your previous push was an "rfc" push (i.e, without a Issue Id) you will be prompted for a Issue Id again. You can re-push an rfc change without any other code change too by giving a Issue Id.

On the new push, Jenkins will re-verify the new change (independent of what the verification result was for the previous push).

It is the Change-Id line in the commit log (which does not change) that associates the new push as an update for the old push (even though they had different commit ids) under the same Change.

If further changes are found necessary, changes can be requested or comments can be made on the new patch as well, and the same cycle repeats.

If no further changes are necessary, the reviewer can approve the patch.

Submission Qualifiers

GlusterFS project follows 'Squash and Merge' method.

  • This is mainly to preserve the historic Gerrit method of one patch in git log for one URL link.
  • This also makes every merge a complete patch, which has passed all tests.

For a change to get merged, there are two qualifiers that are enforced by the Github system. They are -

  1. A change should have at approver flag from Reviewers
  2. A change should have passed smoke and regression tests.

The project maintainer will merge the changes once a patch meets these qualifiers. If you feel there is delay, feel free to add a comment, discuss the same in Slack channel, or send email.

Submission Disqualifiers

  • +2 : is equivalent to "Approve" from the people in the maintainer's group.
  • +1 : can be given by a maintainer/reviewer by explicitly stating that in the comment.
  • -1 : provide details on required changes and pick "Request Changes" while submitting your review.
  • -2 : done by adding the DO-NOT-MERGE label.

Any further discussions can happen as comments in the PR.