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Generic Upgrade procedure

Pre-upgrade notes

  • Online upgrade is only possible with replicated and distributed replicate volumes
  • Online upgrade is not supported for dispersed or distributed dispersed volumes
  • Ensure no configuration changes are done during the upgrade
  • If you are using geo-replication, please upgrade the slave cluster(s) before upgrading the master
  • Upgrading the servers ahead of the clients is recommended
  • It is recommended to have the same client and server, major versions running eventually

Online upgrade procedure for servers

This procedure involves upgrading one server at a time, while keeping the volume(s) online and client IO ongoing. This procedure assumes that multiple replicas of a replica set, are not part of the same server in the trusted storage pool.

ALERT: If there are disperse or, pure distributed volumes in the storage pool being upgraded, this procedure is NOT recommended, use the Offline upgrade procedure instead.

Repeat the following steps, on each server in the trusted storage pool, to upgrade the entire pool to new-version :

  1. Stop all gluster services, either using the command below, or through other means.

    # systemctl stop glusterd
    # systemctl stop glustereventsd
    # killall glusterfs glusterfsd glusterd
  2. Stop all applications that run on this server and access the volumes via gfapi (qemu, NFS-Ganesha, Samba, etc.)

  3. Install Gluster new-version, below example shows how to create a repository on fedora and use it to upgrade :

    3.1 Create a private repository (assuming /new-gluster-rpms/ folder has the new rpms ):

    # createrepo /new-gluster-rpms/

    3.2 Create the .repo file in /etc/yum.d/ :

    # cat /etc/yum.d/newglusterrepo.repo

    3.3 Upgrade glusterfs, for example to upgrade glusterfs-server to x.y version :

    # yum update glusterfs-server-x.y.fc30.x86_64.rpm
  4. Ensure that version reflects new-version in the output of,

    # gluster --version
  5. Start glusterd on the upgraded server

    # systemctl start glusterd
  6. Ensure that all gluster processes are online by checking the output of,

    # gluster volume status
  7. If the glustereventsd service was previously enabled, it is required to start it using the commands below, or, through other means,

    # systemctl start glustereventsd
  8. Invoke self-heal on all the gluster volumes by running,

    # for i in `gluster volume list`; do gluster volume heal $i; done
  9. Verify that there are no heal backlog by running the command for all the volumes,

    # gluster volume heal <volname> info

NOTE: Before proceeding to upgrade the next server in the pool it is recommended to check the heal backlog. If there is a heal backlog, it is recommended to wait until the backlog is empty, or, the backlog does not contain any entries requiring a sync to the just upgraded server.

  1. Restart any gfapi based application stopped previously in step (2)

Offline upgrade procedure

This procedure involves cluster downtime and during the upgrade window, clients are not allowed access to the volumes.

Steps to perform an offline upgrade:

  1. On every server in the trusted storage pool, stop all gluster services, either using the command below, or through other means,

    # systemctl stop glusterd
    # systemctl stop glustereventsd
    # killall glusterfs glusterfsd glusterd
  1. Stop all applications that access the volumes via gfapi (qemu, NFS-Ganesha, Samba, etc.), across all servers

  2. Install Gluster new-version, on all servers

  3. Ensure that version reflects new-version in the output of the following command on all servers,

    # gluster --version
  1. Start glusterd on all the upgraded servers
    # systemctl start glusterd
  1. Ensure that all gluster processes are online by checking the output of,
    # gluster volume status
  1. If the glustereventsd service was previously enabled, it is required to start it using the commands below, or, through other means,
    # systemctl start glustereventsd
  1. Restart any gfapi based application stopped previously in step (2)

Post upgrade steps

Perform the following steps post upgrading the entire trusted storage pool,

  • It is recommended to update the op-version of the cluster. Refer, to the op-version section for further details
  • Proceed to upgrade the clients to new-version version as well
  • Post upgrading the clients, for replicate volumes, it is recommended to enable the option gluster volume set <volname> fips-mode-rchecksum on to turn off usage of MD5 checksums during healing. This enables running Gluster on FIPS compliant systems.

If upgrading from a version lesser than Gluster 7.0

NOTE: If you have ever enabled quota on your volumes then after the upgrade is done, you will have to restart all the nodes in the cluster one by one so as to fix the checksum values in the quota.cksum file under the /var/lib/glusterd/vols/<volname>/ directory. The peers may go into Peer rejected state while doing so but once all the nodes are rebooted everything will be back to normal.

Upgrade procedure for clients

Following are the steps to upgrade clients to the new-version version,

  1. Unmount all glusterfs mount points on the client
  2. Stop all applications that access the volumes via gfapi (qemu, etc.)
  3. Install Gluster new-version
  4. Mount all gluster shares
  5. Start any applications that were stopped previously in step (2)