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GlusterFS upgrade to 3.7.x

Now that GlusterFS 3.7.0 is out, here is the process to upgrade from earlier installed versions of GlusterFS. Please read the entire howto before proceeding with an upgrade of your deployment


GlusterFS contains afrv2 implementation from 3.6.0 by default. If you are using GlusterFS replication ( \< 3.6) in your setup, please note that the new afrv2 implementation is only compatible with 3.6 or greater GlusterFS clients. If you are not updating your clients to GlusterFS version 3.6 along with your servers you would need to disable client self healing process before the upgrade. You can perform this by below steps.

# gluster v set testvol cluster.entry-self-heal off
volume set: success
# gluster v set testvol off
volume set: success
# gluster v set testvol cluster.metadata-self-heal off
volume set: success

GlusterFS upgrade to 3.7.x

a) Scheduling a downtime

For this approach, schedule a downtime and prevent all your clients from accessing (umount your volumes, stop gluster Volumes..etc) the servers.

1. Stop all glusterd, glusterfsd and glusterfs processes on your server.
2. Install  GlusterFS 3.7.0
3. Start glusterd.
4. Ensure that all started volumes have processes online in “gluster volume status”.

You would need to repeat these steps on all servers that form your trusted storage pool.

After upgrading the servers, it is recommended to upgrade all client installations to 3.7.0.

b) Rolling Upgrade

If you have replicated or distributed replicated volumes with bricks placed in the right fashion for redundancy, have no data to be self-healed and feel adventurous, you can perform a rolling upgrade through the following procedure:

1.Stop all glusterd, glusterfs and glusterfsd processes on your server.
2.Install GlusterFS 3.7.0.
3.Start glusterd.
4.Run “gluster volume heal <volname> info” on all volumes and ensure that there is nothing left to be 5.self-healed on every volume. If you have pending data for self-heal, run “gluster volume heal <volname>” and wait for self-heal to complete.
6.Ensure that all started volumes have processes online in “gluster volume status”.

Repeat the above steps on all servers that are part of your trusted storage pool.

Again after upgrading the servers, it is recommended to upgrade all client installations to 3.7.0.

Special notes for upgrading from 3.4.x to 3.7.X

If you have quota or geo-replication configured in 3.4.x, please read below. Else you can skip this section.

Architectural changes in Quota & geo-replication were introduced in Gluster 3.5.0. Hence scheduling a downtime is recommended for upgrading from 3.4.x to 3.7.x if you have these features enabled.

Upgrade Steps For Quota

The upgrade process for quota involves the following:

  1. Run
  2. Upgrade to 3.7.0
  3. Run

More details on the scripts are as under.

Pre-Upgrade Script:

What it does:

The pre-upgrade script ( iterates over the list of volumes that have quota enabled and captures the configured quota limits for each such volume in a file under /var/tmp/glusterfs/quota-config-backup/vol_\<VOLNAME> by executing 'quota list' command on each one of them.

Pre-requisites for running Pre-Upgrade Script:

  1. Make sure glusterd and the brick processes are running on all nodes in the cluster.
  2. The pre-upgrade script must be run prior to upgradation.
  3. The pre-upgrade script must be run on only one of the nodes in the cluster.

Location: must be retrieved from the source tree under the 'extras' directory.


Invoke the script by executing `./` from the shell on any one of the nodes in the cluster.


[root@server1 extras]#./

Post-Upgrade Script:

What it does:

The post-upgrade script ( picks the volumes that have quota enabled.

Because the cluster must be operating at op-version 3 for quota to work, the 'default-soft-limit' for each of these volumes is set to 80% (which is its default value) via `volume set` operation as an explicit trigger to bump up the op-version of the cluster and also to trigger a re-write of volfiles which knocks quota off client volume file.

Once this is done, these volumes are started forcefully using `volume start force` to launch the Quota Daemon on all the nodes.

Thereafter, for each of these volumes, the paths and the limits configured on them are retrieved from the backed up file /var/tmp/glusterfs/quota-config-backup/vol_\<VOLNAME> and limits are set on them via the `quota limit-usage` interface.


In the new version of quota, the command `quota limit-usage` will fail if the directory on which quota limit is to be set for a given volume does not exist. Therefore, it is advised that you create these directories first before running if you want limits to be set on these directories.

Pre-requisites for running Post-Upgrade Script:

  1. The post-upgrade script must be executed after all the nodes in the cluster have upgraded.
  2. Also, all the clients accessing the given volume must also be upgraded before the script is run.
  3. Make sure glusterd and the brick processes are running on all nodes in the cluster post upgrade.
  4. The script must be run from the same node where the pre-upgrade script was run.

Location: can be found under the 'extras' directory of the source tree for glusterfs.

Invocation: takes one command line argument. This argument could be one of the following: ''the name of the volume which has quota enabled; or' '' 'all'.''

In the first case, invoke from the shell for each volume with quota enabled, with the name of the volume passed as an argument in the command-line:

Example: For a volume "vol1" on which quota is enabled, invoke the script in the following way:

[root@server1 extras]#./ vol1

In the second case, the post-upgrade script picks on its own, the volumes on which quota is enabled, and executes the post-upgrade procedure on each one of them. In this case, invoke from the shell with 'all' passed as an argument in the command-line:


[root@server1 extras]#./ all


In the second case, exits prematurely upon failure to ugprade any given volume. In that case, you may run individually (using the volume name as command line argument) on this volume and also on all volumes appearing after this volume in the output of `gluster volume list`, that have quota enabled.

The backed up files under /var/tmp/glusterfs/quota-config-backup/ are retained after the post-upgrade procedure for reference.

Upgrade steps for geo replication:

New version supports only syncing between two gluster volumes via ssh+gluster.

''Below are the steps to upgrade. ''

​1. Stop the geo-replication session in older version ( \< 3.5) using the below command

    # gluster volume geo-replication <master_vol> <slave_host>::<slave_vol> stop

​2. Now since the new geo-replication requires gfids of master and slave volume to be same, generate a file containing the gfids of all the files in master

    # cd /usr/share/glusterfs/scripts/ ;
    # bash localhost:<master_vol> $PWD/    /tmp/master_gfid_file.txt ;
    # scp /tmp/master_gfid_file.txt root@<slave_host>:/tmp

​3. Upgrade the slave cluster installation to 3.7.0

​4. Now go to the slave host and apply the gfid to the slave volume.

    # cd /usr/share/glusterfs/scripts/
    # bash localhost:<slave_vol> /tmp/master_gfid_file.txt    $PWD/gsync-sync-gfid

This will ask you for password of all the nodes in slave cluster. Please provide them, if asked. Also note that this will restart your slave gluster volume (stop and start)

​5. Upgrade the master cluster to 3.7.0

​6. Now create and start the geo-rep session between master and slave. For instruction on creating new geo-rep session please refer distributed-geo-rep chapter in admin guide.

    # gluster volume geo-replication <master_volume> <slave_host>::<slave_volume> create push-pem force
    # gluster volume geo-replication <master_volume> <slave_host>::<slave_volume> start

At this point, your distributed geo-replication should be configured appropriately.